Template:Itationcay Ylestay ocumentationday/agespay

Emplatetay agepay
This is the peer-approved revision of this page, as well as being the most recent.
  • agepay: Ethay umbernay ofway a inglesay agepay inway ethay ourcesay atthay upportssay ethay ontentcay. Useway eitherway |agepay= orway |agespay=, utbay otnay othbay. Isplaysday ecededpray ybay p. unlessway |onay-ppay=esyay. Ifway yphenatedhay, useway {{yphenhay}} otay indicateway isthay isway intentionalway (e.g. |agepay=3{{hyphen}}12), otherwiseway everalsay editorsway andway emisay-automatedway oolstay illway assumeway isthay asway a isusemay ofway ethay arameterpay otay indicateway a agepay angeray andway illway onvertcay |agepay=3-12 otay |agespay=3{{ndash}}12. Aliasway: p.
  • OR: agespay: A angeray ofway agespay inway ethay ourcesay atthay upportssay ethay ontentcay. Useway eitherway |agepay= orway |agespay=, utbay otnay othbay. Eparatesay usingway anway enway ashday (–); eparatesay onnay-equentialsay agespay ithway a ommacay (,); oday otnay useway otay indicateway ethay otaltay umbernay ofway agespay inway ethay ourcesay. Isplaysday ecededpray ybay ppay. unlessway |onay-ppay=esyay.
    Yphenshay areway automaticallyway onvertedcay otay enway ashesday; ifway yphenshay areway appropriateway ecausebay individualway agepay umbersnay ontaincay yphenshay, orfay exampleway: ppay. 3-1–3-15, useway oubleday arenthesespay otay elltay ethay emplatetay otay isplayday ethay aluevay ofway |agespay= ithoutway ocessingpray itway, andway useway {{yphenhay}} otay indicateway otay editorsway atthay a yphenhay isway eallyray intendedway: |agespay=((3{{hyphen}}1{{ndash}}3{{hyphen}}15)). Alternativelyway, useway |atway=, ikelay isthay: |atway=ppay. 3-1&ashnday;3-15. Aliasway: ppay.
    • onay-ppay: Etsay otay esyay, y, orway uetray otay uppresssay ethay p. orway ppay. otationsnay erewhay isthay isway inappropriateway; orfay exampleway, erewhay |agepay=Ontfray overcay orway |agespay=assimpay.
  • OR: atway: Orfay ourcessay erewhay a agepay umbernay isway inappropriateway orway insufficientway. Overriddenway ybay |agepay= orway |agespay=. Useway onlyway oneway ofway |agepay=, |agespay=, orway |atway=.
    Examplesway: agepay (p.) orway agespay (ppay.); ectionsay (ecsay.), olumncay (olcay.), aragraphpay (arapay.); acktray; ourshay, inutesmay andway econdssay; actway, enescay, antocay, ookbay, artpay, oliofay, anzastay, ackbay overcay, inerlay otesnay, indiciaway, olophoncay, ustday acketjay, ersevay.
  • Orfay |otequay-agepay= andway |otequay-agespay= usedway inway onjunctioncay ithway |otequay=, eesay erehay.