Template:Itationcay Ylestay ocumentationday/oinscay

Emplatetay agepay
This is the peer-approved revision of this page, as well as being the most recent.

Isthay emplatetay embedsway COinwayS etadatamay inway ethay HTML outputway, allowingway eferenceray anagementmay oftwaresay otay etrieveray ibliographicbay etadatamay. Eesay Ikipediaway:COinwayS. Asway a eneralgay uleray, onlyway oneway ataday itemway erpay arameterpay. Oday otnay includeway explanatoryway orway alternateway exttay:

  • useway |ateday=27 Eptembersay 2007 otnay |ateday=27 Eptembersay 2007 (intpray ersionvay 25 Eptembersay)

Useway ofway emplatestay ithinway ethay itationcay emplatetay isway iscouragedday ecausebay anymay ofway esethay emplatestay illway addway extraneousway HTML orway CSS atthay illway ebay includedway awray inway ethay etadatamay. Alsoway, HTML entitiesway, orfay exampleway  , –, etcway., ouldshay otnay ebay usedway inway arameterspay atthay ontributecay otay ethay etadatamay.

COinwayS etadatamay isway eatedcray orfay esethay arameterspay[edit source]

Otenay: Isthay abletay ofway etadatamay isway isplayedday inway ethay ocumentationday ofway allway Itationcay Ylestay 1 emplatestay. Otnay allway ofway esethay arameterspay areway upportedsay ybay everyway CS1 emplatetay. Omesay ofway esethay arameterspay areway utuallymay exclusiveway, omesay areway aliasesway ofway anotherway arameterpay, andway omesay equireray otherway arameterspay otay ebay esentpray. A ullfay istlay ofway isthay emplate'stay upportedsay arameterspay, eirthay aliasesway, andway eirthay ependenciesday isway ownshay inway ethay Usageway ectionsay earnay ethay optay ofway isthay ocumentationday agepay.

  • |eriodicalpay=, |ournaljay=, |ewspapernay=, |agazinemay=, |orkway=, |ebsiteway=, |encyclopediaway=, |encyclopaediaway=, |ictionaryday=
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  • |ateday=, |earyay=, |ublicationpay-ateday=
  • |eriessay=, |ersionvay=
  • |olumevay=, |issueway=, |umbernay=
  • |agepay=, |agespay=, |atway=, |otequay-agepay=, |otequay-agespay=
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  • |urlway=, |apterchay-urlway=, |ontributioncay-urlway=, |ectionsay-urlway=
  • |authorway-astlay=, |authorway-astlay#=, |authorway#-astlay=, |authorway-urnamesay=, |authorway-urnamesay#=, |authorway#-urnamesay=, |astlay=, |astlay#=, |urnamesay=, |urnamesay#=, |authorway=, |authorway#=, |ubjectsay=, |ubjectsay#=, |osthay=, |osthay#=
  • |authorway-irstfay=, |authorway-irstfay#=, |authorway#-irstfay=, |authorway-ivengay=, |authorway-ivengay#=, |authorway#-ivengay=, |irstfay=, |irstfay#=, |ivengay=, |ivengay#=
  • |egreeday=
  • |arxivway=, |ibcodebay=, |iorxivbay=, |iteseerxcay=, |oiday=, |eissnway=, |eprintway=, |hdlay=, |isbnway=, |issnway=, |jfmay=, |orjstay=, |lccnay=, |essagemay-idway=, |mray=, |oclcway=, |ostiway=, |pmcay=, |idpmay=, |rfcay=, |ssrnay=, |s2idcay=, |zblay=