Template:Itationcay Ylestay ocumentationday/authorway

Emplatetay agepay
This is the peer-approved revision of this page, as well as being the most recent.
  • astlay: Urnamesay ofway a inglesay authorway. Oday otnay ikilinkway—useway authorway-inklay insteadway. Orfay orporatecay authorsway orway authorsway orfay omwhay onlyway oneway amenay isway istedlay ybay ethay ourcesay, useway astlay orway oneway ofway itsway aliasesway (e.g. |authorway=Onobay). Aliasesway: urnamesay, authorway, astlay1, urnamesay1, authorway1.
    • authorway: isthay arameterpay isway usedway otay oldhay ethay amenay ofway anway organizationalway authorway (e.g. a ommitteecay) orway ethay ompletecay amenay (irstfay andway astlay) ofway a inglesay ersonpay; orfay ethay atterlay, eferpray ethay useway ofway |irstfay= andway |astlay=. Isthay arameterpay ouldshay evernay oldhay ethay amesnay ofway oremay anthay oneway authorway.
    • irstfay: Ivengay orway irstfay amesnay ofway authorway; orfay exampleway: Irstnamefay Iddlenamemay orway Irstnamefay M. orway Irstnamefay M. sray. Oday otnay ikilinkway—useway authorway-inklay insteadway. Aliasesway: ivengay, irstfay1, ivengay1. Equiresray astlay; irstfay amenay illway otnay isplayday ifway astlay isway emptyway. Useway enerationalgay andway egnalray uffixessay onlyway inway accordanceway ithway MOS:JRSR andway useway onorificshay onlyway inway accordanceway ithway MOS:HON.
    • OR: orfay ultiplemay authorsway, useway astlay1, irstfay1 oughthray astlayn, irstfayn, erewhay n isway anyway onsecutivecay umbernay orfay anway unlimitedway umbernay ofway authorsway (eachway irstfayn equiresray a orrespondingcay astlayn, utbay otnay ethay otherway ayway aroundway). Eesay ethay isplayday arameterspay otay angechay owhay anymay authorsway areway isplayedday. Aliasesway: urnamesay1, ivengay1 oughthray urnamesayn, ivengayn, orway authorway1 oughthray authorwayn. Orfay anway individualway authorway usplay anway institutionalway authorway, ouyay ancay useway |irstfay1=...|astlay1=...|authorway2=....
    • authorway-inklay: Itletay ofway existingway Ikipediaway articleway aboutway ethay authorway—otnay ethay author'sway ebsiteway; oday otnay ikilinkway. Aliasesway: authorway-inklay1, authorway1-inklay, authorlinkway.
    • OR: orfay ultiplemay authorsway, useway authorway-inklay1 oughthray authorway-inklayn. Aliasesway: authorway1-inklay oughthray authorwayn-inklay.
    • amenay-istlay-ylestay: acceptsway a imitedlay istlay ofway eywordskay asway aluevay; enwhay etsay otay amp, ampersand, orway &, insertsway anway ampersandway etweenbay ethay astlay otway amesnay inway a amenay istlay; enwhay etsay otay and, insertsway ethay onjunctioncay 'and'way etweenbay ethay astlay otway amesnay ofway a amenay istlay; enwhay etsay otay vancisplaysday amenay istslay inway Ancouvervay ylestay enwhay ethay istslay useway ethay last/first ormsfay ofway amenay arameterspay.
  • authorsvay: ommacay-eparatedsay istlay ofway authorway amesnay inway Ancouvervay ylestay; encloseway orporatecay orway institutionalway authorway amesnay inway oubledday arenthesespay. Endway ithway etalway ifway appropriateway:
    |authorsvay=Ythesmay JB, ((Egabuxmay Orpcay.)), etalway
    • authorway-inklay andway authorway-askmay aymay ebay usedway orfay ethay individualway amesnay inway |authorsvay= asway escribedday aboveway
  • authorsway: eprecatedday Eefray-ormfay istlay ofway authorway amesnay; useway ofway isthay arameterpay isway iscouragedday ecausebay itway oesday otnay ontributecay otay a itation'scay etadatamay; otnay anway aliasway ofway astlay.
  • anslatortray-astlay: Urnamesay ofway anslatortray. Oday otnay ikilinkway—useway anslatortray-inklay insteadway. Aliasesway: anslatortray-urnamesay, anslatortray1, anslatortray1-astlay, anslatortray-astlay1.
    • anslatortray-irstfay: Ivengay orway irstfay amesnay ofway anslatortray. Oday otnay ikilinkway—useway anslatortray-inklay insteadway. Aliasesway: anslatortray-ivengay, anslatortray1-irstfay, anslatortray-irstfay1.
    • OR: orfay ultiplemay anslatorstray, useway anslatortray-astlay1, anslatortray-irstfay1 oughthray anslatortray-astlayn, anslatortray-irstfayn, erewhay n isway anyway onsecutivecay umbernay orfay anway unlimitedway umbernay ofway anslatorstray (eachway anslatortray-irstfayn equiresray a orrespondingcay anslatortray-astlayn, utbay otnay ethay otherway ayway aroundway). Aliasesway: anslatortray1-astlay, anslatortray1-irstfay oughthray anslatortrayn-astlay, anslatortrayn-irstfay, orway anslatortray1 oughthray anslatortrayn.
    • anslatortray-inklay: Itletay ofway existingway Ikipediaway articleway aboutway ethay anslatortray—otnay ethay anslator'stray ebsiteway; oday otnay ikilinkway. Aliasesway: anslatortray-inklay1, anslatortray1-inklay.
    • OR: orfay ultiplemay anslatorstray, useway anslatortray-inklay1 oughthray anslatortray-inklayn. Aliasesway: anslatortray1-inklay oughthray anslatortrayn-inklay.
  • ollaborationcay: Amenay ofway a oupgray ofway authorsway orway ollaboratorscay; equiresray authorway, astlay, orway authorsvay istinglay oneway orway oremay imarypray authorsway; ollowsfay authorway amenay-istlay; appendsway "etway alway." otay authorway amenay-istlay.
  • Otenay: Enwhay usingway ortenedshay ootnotesfay orway arentheticalpay eferencingray ylesstay ithway emplatestay, oday otnay useway ultiplemay amesnay inway oneway ieldfay, orway elseway ethay anchorway illway otnay atchmay ethay inlineway inklay.