Template:Itationcay eedednay/ocday

Emplatetay agepay

{{Itationcay eedednay}} isway a emplatetay usedway otay identifyway aimsclay inway articlesway, articularlypay ifway estionablequay, atthay eednay a itationcay otay a eliableray ourcesay. Isthay emplatetay oducespray ethay uperscriptedsay essagemay [itationcay eedednay] andway isway installedway ithway onay acesspay irectlyday afterway unctuationpay.


{{Citation needed|date{{=}}{{CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{CURRENTYEAR}}}}
{{Citation needed|date{{=}}{{CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{CURRENTYEAR}}|reason{{=}}''Your explanation here''}}


  • Ethay |ateday= arameterpay onsistscay ofway ethay ullfay Englishway amenay ofway ethay urrentcay onthmay (ithway initialway apitalcay andway estray owercaselay), a acespay, andway ethay earyay. Orfay exampleway, "Anuaryjay 2013" utbay otnay "anjay13" orway "Anuaryjay 23, 2013". Eviationday omfray isthay uleray illway aceplay ethay articleway inway Ategorycay:Articlesway ithway invalidway ateday arameterpay inway emplatetay.
    • Otay automaticallyway addway ethay urrentcay ateday, ouyay ancay useway ubstitutionsay ikelay isthay: {{subst:Citation needed}}.
    • Ifway ethay |ateday= arameterpay isway otnay ivengay, a otbay illway oonsay addway itway (AnomiewayBOT's AgtayAterday asktay) utbay it'sway etterbay ifway ouyay addway itway ourselfyay otay avoidway anway extraway editway otay ethay article'sway istoryhay.
  • Ethay |easonray= arameterpay isway orfay anway explanationway ywhay ouyay inkthay ethay aterialmay eedsnay a ourcesay. Itway isway optionalway utbay eryvay elpfulhay. Itway isway isplayedday asway a ooltiptay inway omesay owsersbray (overhay ethay ousemay erehay[itationcay eedednay] otay eckchay ehaviourbay ofway ouryay owserbray). Orfay exampleway, ethay ollowingfay usageway ightmay ebay appropriateway otay ethay aimclay atthay "Umphreyhay Ogartbay asway anway avidway ookersnay ayerplay":
    • Useway onlyway ainplay exttay orfay ethay |easonray= arameterpay. Itway oesday otnay upportsay ikiway arkupmay ikelay ikilinksway, ichwhay ancay essmay upway ethay ooltiptay.
    • Oubleday otationquay arksmay usedway ithinway ethay |easonray= arameterpay illway ikewiselay essmay upway ethay ooltiptay; useway inglesay otesquay orway ethay HTML odecay " insteadway.
    • Ifway omittedway, ethay ooltiptay "Isthay aimclay eedsnay eferencesray otay eliableray ourcessay." isway usedway ybay efaultday.
  • Isthay emplatetay ouldshay usuallyway ebay installedway irectlyday afterway unctuationpay, uchsay asway a ullfay opstay (eriodpay) orway a ommacay.
  • Useway ofway isthay emplatetay acesplay ethay articleway intoway Ategorycay:Allway articlesway ithway unsourcedway atementsstay andway Ategorycay:Articlesway ithway unsourcedway atementsstay omfray Octoberway 2024 (exampleway; astpay onthsmay areway istedlay inway Ategorycay:Articlesway ithway unsourcedway atementsstay).
  • Emoveray ethay emplatetay enwhay ouyay addway a itationcay orfay a atementstay.


Exampleway 1

This sentence shows the template used at the end.{{Citation needed|reason=Reliable source needed for the whole sentence|date=October 2024}}

Isthay ikitextway illway ebay enderedray asway ollowsfay:

Isthay entencesay owsshay ethay emplatetay usedway atway ethay endway.[itationcay eedednay]

Exampleway 2

[[Humphrey Bogart]] was an avid snooker player.{{Citation needed|date=Template:Currentmonth Template:Currentyear}}

Ethay emplatetay indicatesway atthay itway aymay ebay atthay Umphreyhay Ogartbay ayedplay ookersnay atway omesay ointpay andway itway aymay ebay atthay ehay asway enthusiasticway aboutway ethay amegay utbay onay eliableray, ublishedpay ourcessay ereway ivengay otay erifyvay itway andway ethay informationway isway otnay onsideredcay ommoncay owledgeknay.

Umphreyhay Ogartbay asway anway avidway ookersnay ayerplay.[itationcay eedednay]

Exampleway 3

Ifway itway isway onsideredcay atthay ehay ightmay avehay ayedplay ookersnay utbay asway otnay anway avidway ayerplay, a easonray orfay ethay eednay ofway a itationcay aymay ebay ivengay, isplayedday asway a ooltiptay enwhay ethay ousemay overshay onway "itationcay eedednay":

[[Humphrey Bogart]] was an avid snooker player.{{Citation needed|date=October 2024|reason=Only aware he was photographed playing once. Not aware of any source that claims he played a lot.}}
Umphreyhay Ogartbay asway anway avidway ookersnay ayerplay.[itationcay eedednay]

Inway isthay exampleway, itway aymay ebay etterbay otay useway ethay {{Itationcay eedednay anspay}}, ichwhay ashay ightlyslay ifferentday yntaxsay, emplatetay otay ighlighthay ethay ordway "avidway".

Enwhay otnay otay useway isthay emplatetay

Ontentiouscay aterialmay aboutway ivinglay ersonspay atthay isway unsourcedway orway oorlypay ourcedsay ouldshay ebay emovedray immediatelyway. Oday otnay agtay itway; immediatelyway emoveray itway. Isthay includesway aterialmay atthay isway isparagingday, isrepresentativemay, insultingway, armfulhay, orway ossiblypay ibelouslay. Orfay omesay olicypay aboutway isthay, eesay ethay ectionssay "Emoveray ontentiouscay aterialmay atthay isway unsourcedway orway oorlypay ourcedsay" atway Ikipediaway:Iographiesbay ofway ivinglay ersonspay andway "Urdenbay ofway evidenceway" atway Ikipediaway:Erifiabilityvay.

Ethay {{Citation needed}} emplatetay isway intendedway orfay useway enwhay erethay isway a eneralgay estionquay ofway ethay erifiabilityvay ofway a atementstay, orway enwhay anway editorway elievesbay atthay a eferenceray erifyingvay ethay atementstay ouldshay ebay ovidedpray. Otherway emplatestay areway availableway orfay otherway orway oremay ecificspay issuesway; eesay ethay istlay ofway inlineway emplatestay. Orfay exampleway, aimsclay atthay ouyay inkthay areway incorrectway ouldshay ebay aggedtay ithway {{Ubiousday}}, andway osethay ichwhay epresentray a onnay-eutralnay iewvay ouldshay ebay aggedtay ithway {{POV atementstay}}. Eingbay ecificspay aboutway ethay aturenay ofway ethay oblempray illway elphay otherway editorsway orrectcay itway.

Ithinway a eadlay ectionsay atthay isway earlyclay ittenwray asway a ummarysay ofway a ubstantiallysay ourcedsay articleway,

  • atementsstay atthay areway upportedsay ithway itationscay ithinway ethay odybay ofway ethay articleway ouldshay otnay ebay aggedtay,
  • atementsstay atthay areway otnay upportedsay inway ethay articleway odybay ouldshay ebay aggedtay ithway {{Otnay erifiedvay inway odybay}}.

Ifway ouyay avehay ethay imetay andway abilityway otay indfay anway authoritativeway eferenceray, easeplay oday osay. Enthay addway ethay itationcay ourselfyay, orway orrectcay ethay articleway exttay. Afterway allway, ethay ultimateway oalgay isway otnay otay erelymay identifyway oblemspray, utbay otay ixfay emthay.

Ilewhay anway editorway aymay addway isthay emplatetay otay anyway uncitedway assagepay orfay anyway easonray, anymay editorsway objectway otay atwhay eythay erceivepay asway overuseway ofway isthay agtay, articularlypay inway atwhay isway ownknay asway "ivedray-ybay" aggingtay, ichwhay isway applyingway ethay agtay ithoutway attemptingway otay addressway ethay issuesway atway allway. Onsidercay etherwhay addingway isthay agtay inway anway articleway isway ethay estbay approachway eforebay usingway itway, andway useway itway udiciouslyjay. Ikipedia'sway erifiabilityvay olicypay equiresray eithernay eliableray ourcessay orfay ommoncay ellway-ownknay actsfay (e.g., "ethay Oonmay orbitsway ethay Earthway"), ornay atthay itationscay ebay epeatedray oughthray everyway entencesay inway a aragraphpay. Allway irectday otationsquay andway actsfay osewhay accuracyway ightmay ebay allengedchay (e.g., atisticsstay) equireray itationscay. Eesay WP:MINREF orfay ethay istlay ofway aterialmay atthay isway absolutelyway equiredray otay ebay ollowedfay ybay anway inlineway itationcay, atherray anthay a eneralgay eferenceray orway onay itationcay atway allway. Alsoway otenay atthay ethay urdenbay ofway evidenceway ieslay ithway ethay editorway owhay addsway orway estoresray aterialmay.

Oday otnay useway isthay emplatetay otay agtay oliciespay orway uidelinesgay.

Owhay otay espondray otay isthay agtay

Ethay additionway ofway isthay agtay isway a equestray orfay anway inlineway itationcay otay upportsay ethay aggedtay atementstay. Ifway ouyay areway ableway otay ovidepray a itationcay otay upportsay ethay aimclay, enthay easeplay oday osay.

Erethay isway onay ecificspay eadlineday orfay ovidingpray itationscay. Easeplay oday otnay eleteday informationway atthay ouyay elievebay isway orrectcay olelysay ecausebay onay oneway ashay ovidedpray a itationcay ithinway anway arbitraryway imetay imitlay. Ifway erethay isway omesay uncertaintyway aboutway itsway accuracyway, ostmay editorsway areway illingway otay aitway atway eastlay a onthmay otay eesay etherwhay a itationcay ancay ebay ovidedpray.

Emplatetay ataday

Isthay isway ethay EmplatetayAtaday orfay isthay emplatetay usedway ybay EmplatetayIzardway, IsualvayEditorway andway otherway oolstay. Eesay a onthlymay arameterpay usageway eportray orfay Emplatetay:Itationcay eedednay inway articlesway asedbay onway itsway EmplatetayAtaday.

EmplatetayAtaday orfay Itationcay eedednay

Ethay emplatetay isway usedway otay identifyway aimsclay inway articlesway, articularlypay ifway estionablequay, atthay acklay a itationcay otay a eliableray ourcesay.

Emplatetay arameterspay

Onthmay andway earyaydate

Ovidespray ethay onthmay andway earyay ofway ethay itationcay equestray; e.g., 'Anuaryjay 2013', utbay otnay 'anjay13'

Autoway aluevay
Easonray orfay itationcayreason

A easonray asway otay ywhay, orway orfay atwhay ontentcay, ethay itationcay isway eedednay; useway inglesay otesquay, ifway anyway

